Filtered by "Yahtzee"

Web Game Night

TL;DR: I made a multiplayer game site to play Rook or Yahtzee with your friends virtually!

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More Progress

Multiplayer is still in beta, but I've moved it to the main site, so everyone gets the other improvements. I think I'm pretty close to removing the "beta" label, but I want to get some more games in just to make sure everything works correctly. So find some friends to play with! As always, I welcome any feedback,

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Multiplayer Beta Progress

There have been lots of changes so far for multiplayer games. Besides various minor bug fixes and improvements, I've implemented several new features: Chat - I just added that today, so there are likely to be issues. For now, the chat log isn't saved, so if you refresh the page, you won't be able to see any old messages. Eventually

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Multiplayer Yahtzee Beta

The most commonly requested feature for Yahtzee is multiplayer support (seriously, like... three people have asked for it). Being the accommodating guy that I am, I've been slaving away at working on it once in awhile for the last week or so, and it's about ready to be released as a beta. Before I get into what's new and what's

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New Yahtzee Version

I've had a lot of fun working on the new Yahtzee version, and it's finally at a point where I feel like it's ready to leave the beta stage and completely replace the old one. If you haven't paid attention to the blog (let's be honest here; you haven't), here's what's new: New design. Since it's running on a different

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