A | |
abs, BigInteger | |
add, BigInteger | |
B | |
BigInteger, BigInteger | |
C | |
compare, BigInteger | |
compareAbs, BigInteger | |
D | |
divide, BigInteger | |
divRem, BigInteger | |
E | |
exp10, BigInteger | |
I | |
isEven, BigInteger | |
isNegative, BigInteger | |
isOdd, BigInteger | |
isPositive, BigInteger | |
isUnit, BigInteger | |
isZero, BigInteger | |
M | |
modPow, BigInteger | |
multiply, BigInteger | |
N | |
negate, BigInteger | |
next, BigInteger | |
P | |
parse, BigInteger | |
pow, BigInteger | |
prev, BigInteger | |
R | |
remainder, BigInteger | |
S | |
sign, BigInteger | |
square, BigInteger | |
subtract, BigInteger | |
T | |
toJSValue, BigInteger | |
toString, BigInteger | |
V | |
valueOf, BigInteger |
Get the absolute value of a BigInteger.
BigInteger.prototype.abs = function()
Add two BigIntegers.
BigInteger.prototype.add = function( n )
Convert a value to a BigInteger.
function BigInteger( n, s )
Compare two BigIntegers.
BigInteger.prototype.compare = function( n )
Compare the absolute value of two BigIntegers.
BigInteger.prototype.compareAbs = function( n )
Divide two BigIntegers.
BigInteger.prototype.divide = function( n )
Calculate the integer quotient and remainder of two BigIntegers.
BigInteger.prototype.divRem = function( n )
Multiply a BigInteger by a power of 10.
BigInteger.prototype.exp10 = function( n )
Return true iff this is divisible by two.
BigInteger.prototype.isEven = function()
Return true iff this < 0.
BigInteger.prototype.isNegative = function()
Return true iff this is not divisible by two.
BigInteger.prototype.isOdd = function()
Return true iff this > 0.
BigInteger.prototype.isPositive = function()
Return true iff this is either 1 or -1.
BigInteger.prototype.isUnit = function()
Return true iff this == 0.
BigInteger.prototype.isZero = function()
Raise a BigInteger to a power (mod m).
BigInteger.prototype.modPow = function( exponent, modulus )
Multiply two BigIntegers.
BigInteger.prototype.multiply = function( n )
Get the additive inverse of a BigInteger.
BigInteger.prototype.negate = function()
Get the next BigInteger (add one).
BigInteger.prototype.next = function()
Parse a string into a BigInteger.
BigInteger.parse = function( s, base )
Raise a BigInteger to a power.
BigInteger.prototype.pow = function( n )
Get the previous BigInteger (subtract one).
BigInteger.prototype.prev = function()
Calculate the remainder of two BigIntegers.
BigInteger.prototype.remainder = function( n )
Get the sign of a BigInteger.
BigInteger.prototype.sign = function()
Multiply a BigInteger by itself.
BigInteger.prototype.square = function()
Subtract two BigIntegers.
BigInteger.prototype.subtract = function( n )
Convert a BigInteger to a native JavaScript integer.
BigInteger.prototype.toJSValue = function()
Convert a BigInteger to a string.
BigInteger.prototype.toString = function( base )
Convert a BigInteger to a native JavaScript integer.
BigInteger.prototype.valueOf = function()